Loose Dangerous Dogs On 599 frontage

Going up the 599 frontage from So Meadow toward La Tierra yesterday. Several dogs came after us just before we got to the first Aldea entrance.  A rider was seriously bitten and went to hospital. Animal control was contacted. BOLO in that area.  Maybe stay away till...

Ride Start Times

If you want to ride with most of your groups, please read.  Otherwise enjoy your own ride. This week (the last week of July FWIW).  Ad hoc rides start 0845.  Thursday ride starts 0900 from Pecos Ranger Sta. August.  Ad hoc rides start 0845.   MOST Thursday rides also...

Covid Reminder

It’s still out there.  When you submitted your Covid waiver you agreed to the following conditions.  Please re-read and please adhere.  Your fellow old people thank you. By signing the below waiver I agree that I will adhere to the following requirements BEFORE...