Tuesday Aug 22 – ride in honor of Edwin

We will leave DeV at the stroke of 0900 for Café Fina (where else?).  Coffee then figure out our return based on the wind.  Join us for the ride or meet us at Café Fina.  We should be there no later than 10.30.

Remembrances of Edwin

Many SOB’s have contributed their remembrance of Edwin on this page. If you would like to add something feel free to email admin at santafesobs.com and we will add your thoughts to the page. If you do not want your message on the page, email the same address and...

Really? Almost September ??

Well at least it’s close enough for ride leaders to sign up for September rides. Click this link, submit the form.   And welcome to two new A group ride leaders – Boyd Smith and Mark Stevens.  Yeah!  Say hey to them if you can catch up close enough to be...

Start times redux

So I know I said we’d keep the rest of August at 0830.  But it’s kinda dark in the mornings now AND the temps seem to have abated for the foreseeable future, so….  Effective August 18 and for the rest of August, unless you hear otherwise, we will...