Thursday, April 5, 2018 is the start of the SOB’s 20th cycling season.  A lot has happened since that first ride in 1998 when a small group of riders meet with Joel Stein in Eldorado.  I would like to put together a history of the club.  People that rode with the group in those early years please send me some of there memories in writing which I will compile. Send to:

There are some changes in the routine for signing in this year.  There will be a sign-in table with sign-in sheets for the five rides along with the ride leaders name. There will not be any route slips. You will need to research the routes prior to the ride and print your own information. The web page will have both maps and written directions available.

See you all at the Museum Hill parking area on Thursday. Remember the ride leaves at 10:00 so try and get there in plenty of time to unload you stuff, sign-in, and meet with you Ride Leader.

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