As most of you are aware, Afghan refugees are to be settled in Santa Fe.  Some people are coming with families, others as singles.  The number of people expected is around 100.  A huge hurtle in resettlement is housing.  The newcomers will probably not have cars, so there is a need for casitas and apartments with some access to public transportation.  Longer term housing is preferable, but short-term crisis housing is also needed.  The rent range is up to around $1200 for larger living spaces, and lower rents are of course preferable.  Lutheran Family Services is actively working to help the new arrivals find jobs so that they will quickly be self-sufficient.  Families are arriving with only 24 hour notice to LFS, so housing is being set up in anticipation.  If anyone has bicycles to donate, they will be greatly appreciated! And tax deductible.  Please contact me by email  or text 505 310 1646, and I will pass your info on to LFS.  Thank you, Dena Ross

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