Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I had a typo in my post about the dues holiday. I am sure you figured it out but just to clear everything up …..
This is what it said: “If you did not pay for 2021, then you do need to pay for 2021 and still sign both waivers. But you don’t have to pull.”
This is what I meant: “If you did not pay for 2020, then you do need to pay for 2021 and still sign both waivers. But you still have to pull. (kidding about the pulling)
On another note. Most of you who have submitted waivers have done it correctly. Some have only submitted one of the two waivers. We need both. Review your emails. If you got 2 emails from SOBs, one for waiver and one for Covid waiver then you are complete. If not then you owe us one of the two waivers.
And the winner of the 2021 join insomnia award is Dale Sanchez. His submission was posted at 0439. His prize is that he is excused from pulling duties. Nice going Dale!
Stay Healthy Everyone.