Several folks have asked about their membership status for 2020. We do not make the full membership page public but we can give you a list of names with their current status (as of July 5 @ 10:36). IF, as is highly improbable, due to the extreme diligence of your membership crew (Steve, Ian et moi) you feel some of this information is incorrect you may challenge the powers that be via email. admin at
I have not updated the emergency contact list for awhile. After the flood of new waivers that should result from this post, I will work on it next week.
The key to the list of names is:
To check you status, click this link and you will download a PDF of all names. Find your name, read the key and it will tell you your status. If you find it confusing we apologize but we have to keep track of a lot of information. (Green? colors don’t match but you get the idea). If your name is missing, you were not a member in 2019 or 2020.