June 29, 2020
Sante Fe Senior’s on Bikes Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes
This meeting was held via Zoom Meeting Service online due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. Those participating via Zoom were Judy Costlow, Bob Bogart, Lynn Pickard, Ian Norrish, Steve Gitomer, Michael Knarr, and Christine Van Dornick. Please note that Michael Knarr was experiencing technical difficulties and disconnected at 3:10 PM and rejoined the meeting at 3:22 PM. Lore Thorpe was absent.
Lynn began the meeting at 3PM and asked for participants to remain muted unless they wanted to speak and to then raise their hand. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the proposal that was sent by email from Judy, Bob, and Lynn to all board members on June 24, 2020, to open the SOB club in limited fashion. The proposal contained guidelines for the reopening with consideration of the current pandemic. Board members were asked in the June 24 email to consider the proposal and reply to all with any particular concerns about the content in the proposal. Lore Thorpe agreed with the proposal by email. Board members at this Zoom meeting agreed to the proposal by consensus. Michael Knarr was not connected to the meeting at this time and later stated that he was not in favor of the SOB’s opening up in any fashion.
Lynn suggested that the proposal should be placed on the website blog. All board members present agreed to this action. Lynn suggested the following language to accompany the proposal on the blog being “The following guidelines apply until further notice”.
Moving forward with the limited reopening proposal, ride leaders should ask any ride participants if they have both paid their membership dues and signed the standard SOB waiver and the COVID 19 waiver. To date Bob reported that there are approximately 114 members who have signed the standard waiver and paid their dues. There is a list of members on the website. In June, there was a notice posted on the blog that small groups were riding on a regular basis and a form attached that anyone accessing the blog could respond to a request to participate in a group. Additional ride leaders may be necessary to keep group sizes small per the current State of New Mexico CDC guidelines (5 or fewer). Bob and Judy will contact ride leaders to lead other groups as necessary.
The next item to consider was to purchase buffs with the SOB logo. The buffs are a yellow background with the SOB logo in various sizes and the chain logo. The board agreed to order 150 buffs.
The board agreed to meet again by Zoom on July 27 at 3 PM. The meeting adjourned at 3:37 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Van Dornick
SOB Secretary
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