The ride leader meeting did not make any changes to the A/A- ride schedule for 2020 so the signup page for leading rides is open for you to put in your name. Please read the rest of this blog post before you jump in.
We have an online spreadsheet that will be used to sign up for leading rides in 2020. The link is here:
There are 2 paces for each ride, A and A-. In some cases the actual routes are different, e.g. White Rock loop, but for most, the routes are the same. Note that there are up to 5 signups for each ride and pace so do not skip a ride you want to lead just because there is a name already there. Sign up anyway. If you have a priority for which rides you want to lead just put a number after your name. e.g. for your first priority it would be “Fred1” and for your 3rd priority it would be “Fred3”. If you don’t care just put in your name with no number.
After a couple of weeks, the ARM group, which is RickG, GuyB, Christine, Lynn, and me (for 2020) will meet and massage the list, if needed, giving those who indicate their priority rides their choices as far as possible.
Then we will let you know which rides you have been listed as the primary lead. If there is more than 1 leader for any given ride we will leave those names on the sheet and use the alternates if needed. Note that if you sign up for an A ride and there are multiple A leaders requesting that ride, you may be asked to lead the A- if needed. However we will not promote an A- leader to an A ride position without consulting with you. We will, of course, notify you once all the adjustments have been made. Judy will get the link to the list so there is no need to email her unless you want to. And I will be posting the names on the website as in the past.
For anyone who is curious about A Ride Management (ARM), the proposal was approved by the board for 2020 on a trial basis. Below is a short summary of changes from 2019.
- ARM will self-assign ride leaders to save Judy extra work.
- ARM may, if weather warrants, adjust the ride schedule. This can include changing dates, routes, and/or start locations. If changes are made, notification will be made to the entire SOB community via a blog post and / or twitter depending on the amount of time before the ride.
Blog emails go out at 2am so if a change is made at least 1 day prior to a ride then a blog post will be made. However, if on the morning of a ride, conditions have changed, then only a twitter post will be made.
- For rides that start separate from the rest of the SOB group, the online signup process will be used. Folks can still ride if they don’t signup in advance.
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