One of the original founding members of Seniors on Bikes has died. Dr. Robert Hilley, a physician and enthusiastic bike rider died suddenly. He had bicycled over much of the known world in the years past. Bob was a real scientist and practiced in pathology. He wanted to be in the field of medical inquiry in his earliest years. He was also an Air Force veteran. Bob had had some heart issues several years ago, but continued to ride as soon as he was able. He wore a heart monitor and followed his doctor’s advice to never ride over 150 heart beats. Bob’s wife, Lee Hilley, was also a long distance bicyclist, riding across the country several times. Lee was killed in a tragic bicycle accident while riding in Albuquerque a number of years ago. Bob had just returned from a trip to New Zealand and Australia. Bob continued to be active and continued making solo rides in Santa Fe. He was 91.
Bob will be interred at the Santa Fe Military Cemetery at 10:00 a.m. on June 12, 2019.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
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