Talked to Judy on cell a bit ago. She continues to recover. But things are slow this early. Judy anticipates being moved Monday to a skilled nursing facility in Kona. She is glad of that because Kona is where the airport is. A quick exit to look forward to. Judy thinks she will be there 10 days to two weeks. She knows that, as much as she wants to return home, that she is not ready for a flight yet. Knowing Judy, 10 days looks good. And Judy has learned that the surgeon inserted two rods: one to the femur and a second to the hip.
The room at the hospital is very nice and the green landscaping outside the window is very nice. The BAC group has been fantastic in its support. She thinks the assistant director staying nearby will probably depart when she is transferred to the nursing facility.
Judy said the accident occurred as the group was riding downhill (not steep). The winds were strong cross winds. Sometimes the riders were sheltered behind a ridge or bank and sometimes not. It was on one of those occasions when she emerged from the protection of bank that an especially strong gust just picked her up and slammed her down. Her leg was in intense pain immediately. She wanted to lie down on her back but it hurt too much. Another rider helped hold up her shoulder to ease the pain a bit. The ambulance came very quickly. It was a narrow road, so when the ambulance started to drive down to the hospital, all the cars on the road pulled off quickly to enable the ambulance to hurry down the road.
Judy reported that the riders did have rain, wind, cold, and beautiful riding weather, so it has been an adventure for sure.
Look for another report tomorrow.
Bill Pollock
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