The SOBs have received a “thank you” card from the Sierra Route group of the Texas 4000. I have retyped the message to acknowledge the support and participation of many SOB members. The riders have just left San Francisco and are nearing Portland, Oregon on their trip to Anchorage, Alaska.
Thank you so much for all that you did to help welcome the Texas 4000 team to Santa Fe again this year. I had heard so much about the Santa Fe visit from Kathryn, but I don’t think words could do your city or all the wonderful people who help with T4K events justice. I was blown away by the support and generosity that we received from the SOBs and Texas Exes during our visit. Thank you for organizing all the SOBs to help lead the riders into Santa Fe and for showing them the way on that hot afternoon! Thank you for all your support at the event that evening and your generous donations. We are so lucky to have supporters like you in our Texas 4000 family who do so much to help our riders on their journey. Sincerely, Courtney Becker.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
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