Lael Wilcox a long distance endurance bike rider plans to come thru SF soon. She’s trying to set a new around the world record and is truly amazing. She started in Chicago, went east thru Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, and is now in the state of Washington. She rides 180+- miles a day!!! She plans to ride down the west coast then east thru SANTA FE!!! You can follow her on Spotify web site (and other web sites too) where she gives a recount of the days riding (86 days so far). I plan to be wherever she is when she come thru SF to ride a bit w her, to cheer her on, bring cookies, make signs etc. we’ll know better exactly what route she will be on as she gets closer. Maybe 10-15 days she’ll be here It would be great inspiration for us to see her, and for her to get cheered on by us. I hope you look her up and are there when she comes thru SF.

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